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In the Miles Jesus (Jesus Soldiers) orphanage, located in the small village of Bortniky-Kotoriv, (province of LVIV), 22 children live. They pray before each meal, always standing and looking at a figure of Jesus crucified. In this center where only children and seminarist educators live, there are too many fights and too much physical punishment, regrettably. / (Ukraine, 2006). ////// En el orfanato de la orden religiosa de Miles Jesus (Soldados de Jesús), de la pequeña aldea de Bortniky-Kotoriv, (provincia de LVIV), donde conviven 22 menores, se reza antes de cada comida, siempre de pie y mirando a una figura de Jesús crucificado. En este centro viven únicamente de niños y educadores seminaristas, y lamentablemente se ven demasiadas peleas y demasiado castigo físico. /(Ucrania, 2006).